Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hippity Hoppity........(is that even a word)

Sorry it's been a while since I have posted anything. Here are all the pictures from Easter, including coloring the eggs, and an Easter Egg hunt at a friend of a friends house...which was the perfect place to hide eggs, especailly the camo eggs we brought;) Hope you enjoy the pictures. I will be posting a lot more from this week as it is Spring Break and Cody is spending the entire week with us and we will be doing a ton of stuff.... Hope everyone had a great Easter;)


Friday, March 14, 2008

My Little Ove....(Alexander Ovechkin)

Here are the pictures I promsed earlier... Austin lost one of his front top teeth today!!! We had not idea they were even loose, let alone ready to come out. The one that fell out today made it's neighbor very loose.

One of our favorite NHL hockey players is Alex Ovechkin - OVIE - One of the reasons I like Ovie so much is because he has that typical rugged hockey look, longer out of control hair, the missing tooth, he is the picture of what everone out there thinks a hockey player looks like. Well,
if Austin wouldn't have gotten all of his hair cut off I guarantee he would be Ovie's little brother:)

Hope you enjoy the pictures and I will post more tomorrow...


p.s. I tried to find a really good picture of Ovie with his missing tooth, and I could only find the one abouve, not so good dang it....

Memorial Cup

So for those who know what the Memorial Cup is, sorry this might be a little boring...but for those of you who don't here ya go.... All 60 Canadian Hockey League Teams play for this trophy every year... for some it is the biggest trophy they will ever have the chance to win, for some the next step is the Stanley Cup... There are some huge names on this trophy - Brendon Morrow, Marian Hossa, Jason LaBarabera, Andrew Ference (those are just from win the Winter Hawks won it in 98) You have other big names like Daniel Roy, Brian Campbell, Milan Lucic and so on and so on...

If you also don't know the superstition that goes along with the Stanley Cup and alike, if you touch it with out winning it, you will jinx yourself from ever winning it...

So I got the awesomest (no that is not a word) opportunity to bring the Cup home last night... we took all sorts of pictures, Austin never touched it one, and nor did he want to, he kept saying I can't touch it.... He also told us he wants his name on the Memorial Cup and then the Stanley Cup.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.... Austin just called me and he lost 1 of his front teeth, I will be sure to get pics of that up here this weekend.....

Later A

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Parents Game...

This actually happened 2 weeks ago, I am just now getting it up on the site, for what ever reason, I have been so tired lately, all I want to do after dinner is sleep... hopefully soon I will have more energy.

Last year at the end of the Jr. Hawks season, the moms played the kids in a regular game and the kids swept the moms. This year is was the "parents" against the kids. I decided that since I played last year and most of the dads are coaches, there was no way I was going to play this year. Justin was very excited, and Austin was thrilled to be playing against him.. The game was pretty good. Both sides did fairly well, the "parents" team was all dads, there were 3 moms (1 being a coach). All the dads tried to "take-out" their own kid.. Mike did a great job of taking out Cody, the pictures are so awesome. Hope you enjoy and I will not have any time to post until Sunday, as we have a game tomorrow and our biggest game on Saturday. Thank goodness the season is almost over.