Thursday, March 6, 2008

Parents Game...

This actually happened 2 weeks ago, I am just now getting it up on the site, for what ever reason, I have been so tired lately, all I want to do after dinner is sleep... hopefully soon I will have more energy.

Last year at the end of the Jr. Hawks season, the moms played the kids in a regular game and the kids swept the moms. This year is was the "parents" against the kids. I decided that since I played last year and most of the dads are coaches, there was no way I was going to play this year. Justin was very excited, and Austin was thrilled to be playing against him.. The game was pretty good. Both sides did fairly well, the "parents" team was all dads, there were 3 moms (1 being a coach). All the dads tried to "take-out" their own kid.. Mike did a great job of taking out Cody, the pictures are so awesome. Hope you enjoy and I will not have any time to post until Sunday, as we have a game tomorrow and our biggest game on Saturday. Thank goodness the season is almost over.


Green Family said...

He's such a pro! We are so proud of our Jr. Hawk soon to be all grown up Winter Hawk! We love you guys!

lilmissjess said...

Oh my gosh! Those pics are awesome! I never thought I'd see my brother on skates... lol! It looks and sounds like everyone had a most fantastic time! Love and miss you guys muchly! :)